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Donate & Volunteer

Join us in helping make outdoor recreation available for all!

Two adults and two children sitting in kayaks on a lake, smiling at the camera.

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Ways to Support All Out Adventures

Here's your opportunity to support the full inclusion of people with disabilities in outdoor recreation. We provide about 180 outdoor recreation programs at very low or no cost to people with disabilities, seniors, and Veterans each year. Your donation helps to ensure that we can continue to break down barriers to access. Thank you!

There are many ways you can support All Out Adventures.

Donate Items

We appreciate donations of equipment for our programs and trike shop! Wishlist coming soon!

Local Banking

Bank with TD Bank? Give them our affinity code (AJ263) and the bank will make an annual donation to us!

Bank with Florence Bank? Vote for us in the Customer’s Choice Grant Program!

Solar Credits

Do you have solar panels and pay your electric bill with National Grid?  If so, consider donating your solar credits to All Out Adventures!  Reducing our utility costs will allow us to put more of our funding into programs! 

Donate Today

Our Tax ID# is 04-3559633
All Out Adventures
297 Pleasant Street
Northampton, MA 01060

Options for Giving

Did you know that if you are taking distributions from your SEP IRA you can use those funds to donate directly to All Out Adventures without paying taxes on that money?

You can also include to include All Out Adventures in your will.

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Volunteers are essential to our organization.

As the saying goes, volunteers don't necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. Volunteers at All Out Adventures also have a lot of fun!

Working alongside the All Out Adventures staff members in the field and in the office, our volunteers create community through fun, and assist our organization in a number of ways.

Behind the scenes

  • Data entry in the office
  • Assisting with writing and mailing thank you notes
  • Website updates and improvements
  • Email and social media communications
  • Event coordination
  • Volunteer coordination

At our programs

  • Paddle in a tandem kayak, pedal a tandem cycle, or paddle in a canoe with a participant who needs support
  • Cycle, paddle, ski, or snowshoe alongside someone to provide positive encouragement and support
  • Provide a welcoming face and helpful assistance in registering participants at programs and special events

Other ideas? We'd love to hear them!

Please fill out our volunteer form on the link below and we will get in touch with you to confirm. Or email us with your interest and general schedule!

A program volunteer helps adjust the lifejacket of a woman in a wheelchair, who is smiling.
All Out Adventures volunteers in green vests help others with kayaks on a beach.

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Join Our Board of Directors

Be a critical part of the team.

Our Board of Directors provides critical support and assistance to the organization, through outreach, fundraising, providing oversight, and technical support to the Executive Director. We are currently growing our board and have opportunities for involvement. While we welcome board members with all experience levels, we are actively seeking new members with the certain skill sets to help move our organization forward.

Skills wanted for our board

  • Legal
  • Insurance
  • Retail
  • Outdoor recreation
  • Communications and graphic design
  • Web design
  • Project management
  • Marketing
  • Fundraising
  • Previous nonprofit board experience

What we are seeking in Board Members

  • Commitment to the mission of All Out Adventures
  • Attendance at monthly board meetings and work toward Board and Committee goals in between meetings
  • Attendance at 3 - 4 programs per year either as a participant or volunteer
  • Commitment to using your skills and networks to support AOA
  • Personal commitment to contribute financially to the organization and being a champion for our 2 - 3 key fundraisers each year.
  • Creative & flexible thinking, including a recognition of our current capacity while we work toward growth
  • Lived experience with disability, either as an individual with a disability or the immediate family member of a person with a disability (By charter, at least ½ of our Board has lived experience with disability)

Get in touch today  to learn more about how you can make a difference as a Board Member with All Out Adventures. You may also call Director Karen Foster at 413-584-2052.

An All Out Adventures volunteer paddles with a participant in a kayak on a river.
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