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We ofrer programs such as cycling, pickleball, and kayaking for veterans and disabled members of the armed forces of any age or ability.
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Our cycling includes the use of stable recumbent tricycles, hand-powered cycles, tandem tricycles and bicycles, a wheelchair tandem, as well as traditional two-wheeled bikes with added back support. The bikes and trikes can be sized and adapted to individual needs.
Participants can email us or call our office (413-584-2052) to pre-register for a one-hour time slot during program hours. Pre-registration by 12pm the day before the program required.
All program sites are wheelchair accessible and our staff are trained in biking instruction, CPR and First Aid and have extensive experience. At all our programs we offer supportive services such as choosing and adapting the best bike for your size and abilities; assistance with transfers; tandem cycling companion if needed; staff will lead small groups in riding.
Take a look at some of our trikes.
This program is open to veterans and their loved ones at no charge. Participants may make a donation if they wish.
Funding is provided by a grant through the Veterans Administration Adaptive Sports Grant, with support and cooperation from the VA in Leeds, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation's Universal Access Program, Look Park, and from donations from our participants.
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413-584-2052 (general inquiries)
413-270-1392 (trike shop)
413-923-8980 (contact staff during a program)
297 Pleasant Street
Northampton, MA 01060
The trike Shop is open by appointment only for the winter season, November 1 - April 1. Appointments available Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 4pm.
We encourage you to make an appointment - we look forward to seeing you!
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