
Electric VeloPlus Wheelchair Bike

The VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike is designed for transporting people, who can remain seated in their own wheelchair, by cycle. The passenger in front is not required to be transferred out of their wheelchair to enjoy a ride on the VeloPlus! The platform tilts down into a ramp to make it easier to roll the wheelchair onto the platform and fasten it in properly with the wheelchair lock.

This bike has electric pedal assist for easier riding!

The VeloPlus allows wheelchair users to experience the feeling of being on a bicycle! The rider in the back pedals, steers, and brakes, while the rider in front sits in their chair secured on the platform and enjoys the ride. Two wheels in the front with an additional third wheel in the back make for a stable construction and a low center of gravity. The front and back of the VeloPlus come apart for easier transport. Both parts can fit in the back of a minivan or SUV.


Sliding Scale Category Per Day Per Weekend Per Week
Sustainer $112.50 $135.00 $225.00
Supporter $93.75 $112.50 $187.50
Breakeven $75.00 $90.00 $150.00
Subsidized $37.50 $45.00 $75.00

Rent the Electric VeloPlus Wheelchair Bike for a day, weekend, or week at the rates above.

Please read our sliding scale information to determine which category fits your situation best!

Rental Rates

Rental Inquiry

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