
16" Tennis Wheelchair (Within CT River Valley)

Get out on the tennis or pickleball court with friends and family using these tennis chairs. Two large cambered wheels, two roller wheels on the front, and an additional stabilizer wheel in the back, It’s responsive, accessible, and performs well on the court! 16" width is our smallest size.

Top End

Sliding Scale Category Per Day Per Weekend Per Week
Sustainer $37.50 $46.88 $56.25
Supporter $31.25 $39.06 $46.88
Breakeven $25.00 $31.25 $37.50
Subsidized $12.50 $15.63 $18.75

Rent the 16" Tennis Wheelchair (Within CT River Valley) for a day, weekend, or week at the rates above.

Please read our sliding scale information to determine which category fits your situation best!

Rental Rates

Rental Inquiry

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