
KMX K-3 Small Recumbent Trike

The K-3 is a great introduction to the exciting world of recumbent trike riding for children or people with smaller bodies.

With its low center of gravity and excellent handling, the K-3 is bound to put a smile on everyone who rides it. The bucket-style seat provides great support and comfort and is easily adjustable.


Sliding Scale Category Per Day Per Weekend Per Week
Sustainer $37.50 $52.50 $75.00
Supporter $31.25 $43.75 $62.50
Breakeven $25.00 $35.00 $50.00
Subsidized $12.50 $17.50 $25.00

Rent the KMX K-3 Small Recumbent Trike for a day, weekend, or week at the rates above.

Please read our sliding scale information to determine which category fits your situation best!

Rental Rates

Rental Inquiry

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