
eCAT 5.5.9

The Catrike 5.5.9 is a folding, comfortable, performance trike. The 5.5.9 is one of the most popular trikes at our cycling programs for Veterans and Seniors. The 5.5.9 features include an adjustable backrest and padded seat mesh. The rear drive wheel is 26″ or 559mm, hence the name of the trike.

This trike comes equipped with a Bosch motor to assist in peddiling for ease and comfort to help you go farther faster!

Trike donated in Ray Rys's memory.


Sliding Scale Category Per Day Per Weekend Per Week
Sustainer $101.25 $135.00 $202.50
Supporter $84.38 $112.50 $168.75
Breakeven $67.50 $90.00 $135.00
Subsidized $33.75 $45.00 $67.50

Rent the eCAT 5.5.9 for a day, weekend, or week at the rates above.

Please read our sliding scale information to determine which category fits your situation best!

Rental Rates

Rental Inquiry

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