All Out Adventures is a 501c3 organization that relies on your donations to continue to serve people with disabilities, including disabled Veterans, people with brain injuries and seniors through year-round outdoor recreation programs including cycling, kayaking, canoeing, hiking, skating, sled skating, seated xc skiing, snowshoeing and more.  Make a one-time tax deductible donation to All Out Adventures today by completing the secure form below or:

Donations by check can be mailed to All Out Adventures, 214 State St., Northampton, MA, 01330

Our donation form is secure — so give your gift with confidence!

“The agency made it possible for Christy and I to ride a tandem tricycle for about 5 miles….It was the first time since her injuries that she has been on a foot-powered vehicle (other than a wheelchair). She pedaled the whole way. It was the happiest I’d seen her in years. She was so thrilled and so taken with just about everything one can take in on a bike ride. Her speech improved, her mood, everything. Afterwards she treated me like a hero. Felt good. Thank you, All Out Adventures!” - Bill W.